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Sadness and Depression: What’s the difference?

Sadness and Depression: What’s the difference?

Life is not always a bed of roses and at times we may have to travel through a rough patch. Such situations make us lose confidence in ourselves and we end up either being sad or depressed. Even though sadness and depression are closely related, they have certain differences. Sadness is a temporary state of mind, which may fade away as time goes by. We all feel sad at some point in our life over various reasons. Depression on the other hand is a long-term illness that needs to be addressed right away.

Sadness can be said as an emotional pain that occurs as a result of loss, problems and disappointment. In general, the feelings of sadness will not last for a long period of time and will fade away. Further, it will not affect your activities or your daily life. One can also relate “feeling blue” or “feeling low” as a sign of sadness. Depression on the other hand can become life-threating if not properly analyzed and treated on time. 

An insight on depression 

Sadness is an emotion whereas depression is an illness. Here are some of the symptoms through which you can identify depression. 

These are some of the warning signs that you need to look out for. There are many types of depression that range from clinical depression to major depressive disorder. Whatever maybe the case, the signs of depression should not be ignored and the person must be given help right away. Depression is a common illness for both men and women. Here are some common causes for depression 

  1. Genetic factors 
  2. Life-changing events
  3. Trauma occurred in childhood
  4. Prescription drugs
  5. Head injury 

Depression is not an incurable disease and can be cured if the treatment is taken at the right time. Support, Psychotherapy and drug treatment are some of the known ways to cure depression. The person who is suffering from depression must make it a point to seek medical help right away. The therapists will perform a series of tests along with sessions to identify the cause of depression and provide the apt solution. In mild cases of depression, the person can be cured within a short period of time. In the worst case, the person may have to visit the therapist for a couple of times and also take antidepressant medications.  

Understanding depression

Depression is a major health condition that must be addressed right away. A person who is depressed feels drained, lacks motivation and feels empty all the time. Further, depression makes it next to impossible for a person to bond with others in a deep emotional level. This often happens due to feelings of loneliness, hurt and dejection. Depressed people often vent out their anger on their loved ones and hence it must not be taken personally. As a friend and family member, one must help those in need by providing them emotional support. A depressed person must not be left alone to deal with his/her problems as it may do more harm than good. 

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